Random Crap

Walking into stuff

One thing I do not recommend doing right before going into a job interview is walking into a plate glass window. Very few things in life are more humbling than just that. Fortunately there were no eye witnesses (unless a security camera somewhere picked this up and gave someone a good laugh), so little harm was done, besides some non-visible facial bruising, a slightly bloodied lip and a damaged ego.

At this point I would like to congratulate the window washer for a remarkable job. If a video of the event did in fact exist I would allow it to be used as a testament to his impeccable craftsmanship. It could also be used in a compilation of other videos of me walking into stuff, such as: Me walking into screen door, lamp post or a street sign.

Apparently, thinking clouds my vision and impairs my ability to see immobile objects in front of me, no matter the size, often leading to events where a “ding” or “clonk” sound can be heard, and pain felt in the affected body parts. Usually the head part.

I’m amazed I still have teeth. I lost my pride and dignity long ago.